Starting A New Business
When starting a new business you must do a lot of research. If you don't do the research you will never know the ups and downs of the field in which you are going into... Here are some tips for having a successful business start-up...
- Networking: You must network with others people in your field and related fields...
- Sounding Board: This is a person that you can talk to about what's going on in your business and they will listen...
- Mentor: (Totally different person) This person is successful in building there own business and can tell you what you need to do to grow your business successfully. They can tell you about some of the short comings....
- Remember, everyone aren't going to be happy so, don't tell everyone about your business...
- Plan: Most important of all is write a "PLAN" you can't go forward if you don't know where you're going to....
- Goals: Set goals for you and your business have a short term goal (1 yr.), mid term goal (5 yrs.) and a long term goal (10 yrs. plus) this will keep you on track.
- Dream Board: This is a board that has all the things you want to do in your life and in your business. Once you have achieved those dreams make another board...
Remember, life is to short for you to say I will get to it next year because next year isn't promise to you. So, live your dreams now and work your passion. In the beginning it will take a lot of your time, but in the end you will have what you have always dreamed of.
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