Exercise Is Great When Done Correct

Tips to Keep You on Exercise Track

  • Set Minimal Goals:  For a week or month, choose a doable number of days to workout and stick to it.... A month will do you a ton of good, and it's really just every other day...

  • Keep a Record:  Writing down each day whether or not you exercised, or keeping an online log of your workouts.  Enlist friends or online workout buddies to share your good with...

  • Beware of Willpower Drains:  Try to schedule workouts for times when your willpower hasn't already been tested...

  • Value Initiation Instead of Endurance:  Is your exiercise day after day, it gradually gets easier to sustain the practice.  Starting a habit is the most difficult part, but the inital frustrations are temporary...

  • Forget Failure:  This will help you see your inevitable mistakes not as deal breakers but as expected rites of passage on the way to reaching your goal...

  • Leverage Your Lifestyle:  Tailoring your workout to an established aspect of your life....  Example:  If you're a dog lover then try going for a run with your dog...


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