
Showing posts from October, 2012

The Organizer: My Journey Day 12 "Why Is Love so Hard?"

The Organizer: My Journey Day 12 "Why Is Love so Hard?" : I woke up this morning thinking what's today going to be like.  I wonder if today was the day I was going to be able to handle all the th...

My Journey Day 12 "Why Is Love so Hard?"

I woke up this morning thinking what's today going to be like.  I wonder if today was the day I was going to be able to handle all the things that came my way.  And, then I realized that I don't have to handle my day because it's already been handle for me.  God knew how this day was going to go and I don't have to make things happen myself because things are what they are. So, then I started thinking about the conversation I had with a girlfriend about love.  I asked the question "Why is love so hard for some individuals and for others it's so very easy?"  And, as we started talking she said something that is so very true "it's only as hard as an individuals makes it."  And, in that moment I realize she was correct you choose to love or not to love someone or something.  Individuals really choose either to love or not to love because they want to take a risk of being happy with someone or being unhappy by there selves.  When I started t...

My Journey day 11

Let's go to Brunch Last night I got a call from my girlfriend Robin and she said where going to Charlotte for brunch at the Cheesecake Factory I'll be at you house by 8am. You see we had been planning to go to the Cheesecake Factory for over eight months but just hasn't done it yet. But, when you lose something or someone so suddenly you stop putting things off you started doing all the things you've been putting on the back burner. So, as my girlfriend is talking to me about our outing I realize that she's just making sure that I don't forget how to live even though my lost is so great and all I could say was thank you God a friend that always knows when I need a little pick me up.  I'm so happy to have a life with great friends to help me get through some of the worst days and nights of my life. This morning we are on our way to the Cheesecake Factory and we have to stop in Columbia to pick up another friend (Nathalie) and head to Charlotte to enjo...

A little Information about Fashion

Fashion is something we deal with every day. Even people who say they don't care what they wear choose clothes every morning that say a lot about them and how they feel that day.  There's one thing for certain in the fashion world change will always come but it will always be something that's been hear before. As consumers we are constantly being bombarded with new fashion ideas from music, videos, books, and television that shape our though about what we wear and like.  Movies also have an impact on what individual will wear. What or Who dictates your Fashion? Musicians and other cultural icons have influenced what individuals are wearing, but so have political figures and royalty. Magazines report on what Michelle Obama is wearing and you have women looking for the same outfit so they can look like the First Lady.  Even individuals in the 1700s looked over fashion magazines to see the latest styles so they can see the trends. Women and dressmake...

Journey to Total Peace Day 10

Today, I realize that you can't be a person who allow people to make major decision about your life. When you experience a big lost you have to understand that people are going to come around for different reason. Some are their to help you and others are there to hinder your progress you've got to be able to know the difference between them. See a lot of people want to tell you how to live and what you should be thinking about your knew life and really they don't know how your old life was. So, how is it that they can tell you how your knew life is going to work. What's amazing to me is how people you've never really spoken to want to now give you advice on how to heal. I need someone to tell me how that works. People want to tell you what to do when their lives are a hot mess. Can someone tell me how can a person like that give you advice on anything? Please let me know what you think about this. I don't have much to say today because I'm feeling ...

The Journey Day 7

This is day 7 and this was another hard day. I woke up this morning feeling sad and overwhelmed because I'm now doing everything. What I mean by that is now I'm running two businesses and building a whole knew business while running my household. Before their where two people keeping this lifestyle going now there's just me at least that's what I was thinking. This can make even the most organized person want to retreat an give up. And, this morning that's what I was going to do. Until my brother walk in my bedroom and saw that I was crying. You see my brother helps me run one of my business he's my field supervisor. Anyway he asked me was I alright and I just started crying and feeling sorry for myself. I pulled the comforter over my head an cried like a little child. He didn't tell me not to cry he said let it and that's what I did an then he wanted to know what happen to make me feel like I was feeling. I started to tell him and I started cry...

The Organizer: The Journey Continues (day 6)

The Organizer: The Journey Continues (day 6) : Day 6 of the JOURNEY Well, today really started out bad I was feeling sorry for myself and didn't want to get up out of bed.  So, I cance...

The Journey Continues (day 6)

Day 6 of the JOURNEY Well, today really started out bad I was feeling sorry for myself and didn't want to get up out of bed.  So, I cancel one of my early morning appointments so that I could just be in the moment.  I wanted to make sure that I wasn't just running around staying busy so that I wouldn't have to feel the pain of my lost.  And, once I laid there for another hour I figured out that it wasn't my pain I was afraid of it was myself.  I wanted a life where I could live and just be who I was meant to be.  Please don't misunderstand me I would have never wanted this to happen, but it did and I can't do anything about it other than keep my memories and believe that God always has a plan.  What I'm saying is that when you say something make sure you can handle it because God listen to what you're saying and He always wants to give you the desires of your heart.  So, make sure your heart is lined up with His..Okay!   Once I got up an...