What EASTER is truly about

Easter is the day we celebrate JESUS CHRIST and His resurrection...  We celebrate the Love of CHRIST and what He did for all of us...  So today remember that it's not about the way you put you outfit together, the way you wear your hair, the eggs you hide for you kids to find, the Easter Bunny or the food you cook today.  It's about how much you Love CHRIST and how much he Loved you, so when you go out today to church, lunch, or where ever you're going today thank GOD for the chance to celebrate the one who gave His life for all of us JESUS CHRIST...  Today remember that this day all about the Love of CHRIST...what He has done for you and the ones you Love...  This is just a note to all my readers to remind you about what's important today an that's JESUS CHRIST our Savior...  Enjoy the life you're living, the love ones you have and the friends you have because that's what this life you've been giving is all about...

Have a Blessed Easter!!!



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