30 Day Spring Cleaning Challenege

Making Your Life Stress Free of Clutter

I was reading and article on Spring Cleaning and I started to think about how important cleaning, organizing and de-cluttering your space really is. So I decided to CHALLENGE you to take on space in your home or office an get it Organized.

Now some my said that it's to much to clean there Closet or your Garage that's not true at all. You can make it fun and enjoyable, I know you are saying this woman is out of her mind.  But, I'm not just listen and then practice it on one space in your home or office.

"Here are a Few Helpful Hints to get You Started"
Be Aware: When you're looking at your items in your Closet or Garage or Storage Space that's costing you anywhere from $65 to $100 per month decide what has crossed the line of excess. Anything in excess is a hindrance to your life and if you can't sell it, put it in the trash or on the curb for the trash man to pick up.

Attack the Bathroom:  What percentage of your hair products, toothpaste, soap, makeup, lotion, etc. have crossed the line?  At this point you have to go through your drawers and cabinets an get rid of everything that you've outgrown, don't use, or that's out of date.  Recycle the glass and plastic containers, and speak with your local environmental groups about the best way to handle this.

Confront the Kitchen Cupboards:  How much of the food in your Cupboards are truly  Empowering You, and what percentage is junk?  Here's a little advise when you are going through you food if it doesn't make you FEEL Happy, Healthy and Energized then it needs to go NOW if it's not there you want feel the need to eat it.  This is extremely on my part and very doable on yours.  You can Recycle unwanted food by given it to food bank in your area, because they always need help with feeding the hungry.  This way you have cleaned your Cupboards and done a wonderful deed to help your community.

So, now that I've given you somewhere to started let's see what you do in the next 30 days with all your Clutter and the things you have that has crossed the line. Let's get ORGANIZED now an enjoy our family and friends this summer.  Let's Get rid of all our Stress!!!!!  


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