Good Bye Pain
Good Bye Pain I've Loved you for so very long but I didn't Love myself so I couldn't show you how to Love me. I can remember you telling me that I didn't know how to Love you and I finally realize that you where so very correct because how could I Love you in the way a person should be Love if I've never really Loved myself. So I thank you for the lesson you give me on not Loving myself first now you may not know it yet but you where the one person that made me look at myself an make a change that will carry me through the rest of my Life. So even though the things I didn't do right when you were hear I make a choose to change on purpose to be a great me in this the second part of my LIFE . One of the greatest lesson I've learned is this " when you show me who you were I should have believed you " because you know you better then anyone else. So thank you again Pain for showing me who you are and who I am... Life has shown me so much Pain a...