Tossing the Bouquet and Garter

The traditions of tossing the bouquet and garter date back to the fourteenth century. As different as they seem today, they share the same roots.  Any piece of the bride's attire was considered lucky, so guests were eager to claim their own bit of good fortune.  Overeager well wishers would rush the bride to grab at her bouquet, so as to protect the bride from getting mauled, brides started to preemptively tossing their bouquet to the crowd.

The garter probably came from the "bedding ceremony."  Guests would accompany the newlyweds to their bedchamber, and the groom's friends would try to remove the bride's garters.  To avoid being groped by a bunch of drunk men, brides began tossing their garters in their direction.  So, look out for those single women...


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