When I got married I thought it was forever but it didn't happen like that so I had to started over. Now I didn't get a divorce my husband passed away but what I've learned is that if it's a divorce or a death it can fill the same way. Women and Men have told me that it's worst when you have a divorce than when there's a death because with a divorce the person is still walking around where you can still see them all the time. And when I thought about it I realized that these individuals were correct both divorce and death of someone you Loved hurts just as bad. So, I started to ask questions about how hard was it for them to started over again and to my surprise a lot of them were having a really hard time at it... Some couldn't rap there heads around the fact that the person they had Loved for such a long time wasn't there with them anymore... others where stuck in the position of they couldn't believe that the person they'd Loved for so ...