Love Is a POWERFUL Word

LOVE is a POWERFUL word with all types of EMOTION that SHOWS UP in so many DIFFERENT Ways in YOUR LIFE....

LOVE is a easy word to say but a hard EMOTION to have.  Everyone uses the word LOVE so much and so very easy until the meaning of the word has know real value in this day and time.  I believe that if people took the time to tell the truth the word LOVE would have so much more  meaningful and purpose.  I found myself saying to someone the other day that I LOVED them when I really meant I like you and you're a very nice person that I would like to get to know better.  So, I had to check myself and go to that person and tell them what I really meant when I said I LOVE them.  If you're not true to yourself about what you mean then you'll never be able to be true with another person.  Now I'm not saying you're going to be the most popular person by saying what you really mean but you will be honest and you will fill much better about the things you say and do...  

Truly you don't LOVE everyone you know you like a lot of them and some of them you don't even like you just put up with them because you want to be a nice person but as far as LOVING them all know that's not TRUE at all.  If you want to be really honest with yourself the take this challenge.  

Take out a piece of paper an write down the names of all the be in your life that you truly care for then on that same piece of paper write by their name if you like them or LOVE them or just want them around for some odd reason.  Now you must be willing to tell yourself the HARD TRUE or don't even do the challenge.  Once you have finish with this challenge be honest with the individuals by telling them the true now don't be mean just be honest because you don't LOVE everyone it's just not humanly possible.  Why do I say that while it's because we as humans are to selfish to LOVE everyone.  I wish it wasn't true but it is!!!  I would never ask you to do something I wouldn't do so for the next 30 days figure this out and do it.  Now, it's not going to be very easy but in the end at least you'll know who you really love and what you should stop telling and saying to people.  Even if you never tell the individuals about your results at least you'll know...

Woman and Man (Relationship LOVE)
LOVE is a four letter word that needs to be used when and if you really mean it not for general sayings.  Words are powerful tools listen to what you're say and how you say them they could truly make or break a relationship, friendship, or partnership so be careful with this word (LOVE) because it could make or break the individual your saying it to.  I've told a lot of individuals that I LOVE them an didn't really mean it but now I know to only use the word LOVE with the individuals that I hold so very close to my heart.  This don't mean I don't care for the individuals that I've told I LOVE them because I do I just don't LOVE them yet... 

NOTE: I've LOVE some individuals but I didn't really show it the way they needed me to show it to them and I've lost those relationships and friendships, but now I know where I went wrong an now I can correct those issue so I'll never lose another individuals I LOVE in my LIFE.  From this point on I will LOVE with a PASSION like know other and always show the ones whom I LOVE that they are LOVED by me.  Take it from me LOVE is a very BIG and POWERFUL word an it means more then you'll ever know to people so stop saying it if you don't really mean it from the heart...  In the english language we have a lot of words that are POWERFUL and BIG but LOVE is that and so much more...

TWO CLOSE FRIENDS (ex. LOVE in a Friendship)



  1. Great Blog! So little know the importance of the meaning of LOVE. Thanks for helping us to reflect on the many facets of this word. The proper understanding and use of this word can help all relationships become defined.


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