5 Keys To An Productive Day 1. Prepare Your Mindset Make time for mental preparation that enables you to be at your best. Instead of getting up and rushing to work, allow time (even 5-15 minutes will make a big difference) to read something to inspire and uplift you, help you feel centered and well-grounded. You might like to write your goals for the day, or favorite thoughts. Lots of people start the day with prayer or meditation. It's well worth getting up a few minutes earlier to ensure the best quality for your day. Replace rushed and frenzied feelings with calm, constructive thoughts. Build your day the way you would like it to be, instead of just reacting to whatever happens. A good mindset is vital to a good day. 2. Identify Your Top Priorities Write down the top 3 things you need to do. Don’t overwhelm yourself with too much. (You’d be happy to get those three things done, wouldn’t you?) Number them in order of importance and you will have prioriti...